“You are a drama queen”,“crazy”, “not normal”, “you are making
life worst then it is”, “you are horrible”, “you are mental”, these word seems
quite familiar to you right? We know after trying so many options to deal with
your depression and also judged by people who know nothing about mental health
it is obvious to get irritated but we are trying to take all your worries and
depression from you.
Although there have been many controversies on the use of
cannabis as alleviate symptoms of depression, it is scientifically proof that
cannabis actually benefits our bodies and our mental wellness. For those who
are still unfamiliar with the amazing benefitsof industrial hemp or industrial cannabis, allow us to give you information
that will help you understanding of how this plant can change your whole life.
Do you know about our
anatomy and DNA or about endocannabinoid system?
Research shows, this system is a group of internal
cannabinoid receptors which is located
in the brain and throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems and consisting of neuromodulatory lipids with their
receptors. This also involved in a variety of physiological processes including
appetite, pain-sensation, memory, and mood, and in mediating the psychoactive
effects of industrial hemp.
Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout
the body: in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells, “for
each tissue, the cannabinoid system performs different tasks, but the goal is
always the same: homeostasis, the maintenance of a stable internal environment
despite fluctuations in the external environment.”
A small dose of cannabinoids from cannabis is enough to signal
the body to make more endocannabinoids which build more cannabinoid receptors
so In order to live a healthy life cannabis helps support to have a healthy
endocannabinoid system.
Many pharmaceutical companies in India realize the importance
of hemp in India and start supporting
the cannabis cultivation in India and
very soon we will be able to fight with depression in a very easy way.
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