Thursday, 21 July 2016

Find some scientific facts about industrial cannabis

Every time when we discussed about hemp, we always tried to give you some information with every blog, we always discussed about health related topics or something which will economically help you in future.

Now we came up with some scientific fact about industrial hemp for you which can’t be ignored:
  • Industrial hemp and cannabis, marijuana both are classified by taxonomists and as a species with hundreds of varieties. 
  • Industrial Cannabis or C.sativa is a member of the mulberry family.
  • The varieties of marijuana seek to maximize THC while industrial hemp is bred to maximize fiber, seed and oil.
  • Industrial hemp and marijuana look’s alike but they are different because of their THC content.
  • Hemp fibers are longer, stronger, more absorbent and more mildew-resistant in comparison with cotton so cannabis farming or hemp farming is very beneficial for us. Hemp can be made in to a variety of fabrics, including linen quality.

According to scientific research, Industrial hemp has a THC content of between 0.05 and 1% and Marijuana has a THC content of 3% to 20%. To receive a standard psychoactive dose would require a person to power-smoke 10-12 hemp cigarettes over an extremely short period of time. The large volume and high temperature of vapor, gas and smoke would be almost impossible for a person to withstand.
We have lots of other information related to cannabis in India and cannabis cultivation in India
Visit the link…

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Industrial Hemp: Have a Healthy Morning Daily

Morning! The time which everyone wants to see but no one want to wake up and in our busy schedule when we don’t have time for having breakfast, who will make healthy breakfast. We all know how important it is to have healthy breakfast but it can be difficult to muster the motivation to take the time to prepare a healthy breakfast. A quick and easy way to make sure you are setting yourself up for the day in the right way is to add a sprinkle of Good Hemp Seed Hearts to your morning meal.

 Hemp Seed Hearts in morning
 Here are 5 speedy ideas to incorporate these delicious little super-foods into your diet: Eating Good Hemp Seed Hearts in the morning is a great way to start your day: they are full of plant-based protein and have more Omega 3 fatty acids than any fish!

1. Sprinkle industrialcannabis seeds over porridge.
2. Add to a smoothie: you can add to your usual morning recipe.
3. Sprinkle on cheese on toast: Hemp Seed Hearts are delicious sprinkled on top of the melted cheese after toasting and adds a nutty flavor.
4. You can also make hemp seed butter: It is very simple you just whizz up our Hemp Seed Hearts in a blender with some Good Hemp Oil to make a super-healthy, creamy hemp seed butter. Now spread on toast, crumpets or muffins for different hemp hit.
These are just a few ways you can incorporate hemp seeds into your diet and benefit from the goodness of industrial hemp.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Now Deal Your Depression with Industrial Hemp

“You are a drama queen”,“crazy”, “not normal”, “you are making life worst then it is”, “you are horrible”, “you are mental”, these word seems quite familiar to you right? We know after trying so many options to deal with your depression and also judged by people who know nothing about mental health it is obvious to get irritated but we are trying to take all your worries and depression from you.

Although there have been many controversies on the use of cannabis as alleviate symptoms of depression, it is scientifically proof that cannabis actually benefits our bodies and our mental wellness. For those who are still unfamiliar with the amazing benefitsof industrial hemp or industrial cannabis, allow us to give you information that will help you understanding of how this plant can change your whole life.
Do you know about our anatomy and DNA or about endocannabinoid system?
Research shows, this system is a group of internal cannabinoid receptors which is  located in the brain and throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems and  consisting of neuromodulatory lipids with their receptors. This also involved in a variety of physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, memory, and mood, and in mediating the psychoactive effects of industrial hemp.

Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body: in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells, “for each tissue, the cannabinoid system performs different tasks, but the goal is always the same: homeostasis, the maintenance of a stable internal environment despite fluctuations in the external environment.”
A small dose of cannabinoids from cannabis is enough to signal the body to make more endocannabinoids which build more cannabinoid receptors so In order to live a healthy life cannabis helps support to have a healthy endocannabinoid system.

Many pharmaceutical companies in India realize the importance of hemp in India and start supporting the cannabis cultivation in India and very soon we will be able to fight with depression in a very easy way.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Do you know industrial hemp is an alternative to concrete?

Yes it is another awesome benefit was hidden from us who can bring revolution in the building construction industry and we brought this only for you so that you can also get the advantages of this beautiful simple looking plant which was completely ignored by us till now.

Cannabis or Hemp as an alternative to concrete or “Hempcrete,” a lightweight concrete is like insulating material and that can be poured into molds or also used in blocks, it is made by mixing the hurds, the left woody core after the fiber is stripped off the stalk, with lime and water.  

Houses can build from hempcrete surrounding a weight-bearing wood frame and protected on the outside by about an inch of lime-render cement. For Clay Fields, it is a much better insulator than conventional building materials and it will also reduce the need for heating in winter and air-conditioning in the summer as It requires much less energy to produce than regular cement because it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere when it get dries.

Cannabis farming has a good future growth and will also change the economic face of any country because the demand has grown remarkably on the global platform for natural fiber composites in the construction industry for outdoor deck floors, railings, fences and also for park benches, landscaping timbers, window and door frames, and indoor furniture and This is only due to their superior strength-to weight ratio, recyclability, and low cost.

Industrial Hemp foundation walls are 7 times stronger than concrete foundations which mean that these buildings will bend but not break and also half as light, and three times as elastic which gives extra star to the awesome benefits of industrial hemp. Because of their superior strength and flexibility, hemp foundations are resistant to stress-induced cracking and breaking even the earthquakes and other natural disaster cannot break or crack these structures.