Wednesday 20 July 2016

Industrial Hemp: Have a Healthy Morning Daily

Morning! The time which everyone wants to see but no one want to wake up and in our busy schedule when we don’t have time for having breakfast, who will make healthy breakfast. We all know how important it is to have healthy breakfast but it can be difficult to muster the motivation to take the time to prepare a healthy breakfast. A quick and easy way to make sure you are setting yourself up for the day in the right way is to add a sprinkle of Good Hemp Seed Hearts to your morning meal.

 Hemp Seed Hearts in morning
 Here are 5 speedy ideas to incorporate these delicious little super-foods into your diet: Eating Good Hemp Seed Hearts in the morning is a great way to start your day: they are full of plant-based protein and have more Omega 3 fatty acids than any fish!

1. Sprinkle industrialcannabis seeds over porridge.
2. Add to a smoothie: you can add to your usual morning recipe.
3. Sprinkle on cheese on toast: Hemp Seed Hearts are delicious sprinkled on top of the melted cheese after toasting and adds a nutty flavor.
4. You can also make hemp seed butter: It is very simple you just whizz up our Hemp Seed Hearts in a blender with some Good Hemp Oil to make a super-healthy, creamy hemp seed butter. Now spread on toast, crumpets or muffins for different hemp hit.
These are just a few ways you can incorporate hemp seeds into your diet and benefit from the goodness of industrial hemp.


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